Timeline of a Personal Injury Case

After a car accident, slip and fall, or other personal injury incident, accident victims often wonder how long it will take to resolve their case. There are many steps involved in a Phoenix personal injury claim. Entrekin Law Firm can explain the steps involved in a personal injury case during a free case review.

Attorney Consultation

Entrekin Law Firm provides a consultation to personal injury victims to explain their legal rights and options. This case review is free of charge and involves no obligation. You can decide to hire the firm or not. However, it is helpful to complete the consultation to get a better understanding of your situation and the next steps involved in the process.


If you decide to hire a personal injury lawyer, they will begin an investigation into the accident, which may consist of the following:

  • Reading the accident report 
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Identifying all potentially liable parties
  • Reviewing medical records and consulting with treating doctors
  • Reviewing photos or videos of the accident scene
  • Requesting videos or photos from traffic cams, surveillance videos, or other sources
  • Reviewing employment records, repair invoices, and other evidence of economic losses stemming from the accident


Once the accident victim has recovered from their injuries (or to the extent possible), their lawyer prepares a demand package. This may consist of a letter in which the lawyer sets out the claim, explains why the insured is responsible for the accident, and demands compensation in a certain amount. The lawyer may also provide additional documentation to support their client’s position or damages. 


The insurance company will likely reject the lawyer’s initial demand for compensation. They may respond to the demand letter by making an offer for less money. Your lawyer and the insurance company may go back and forth several times before arriving at a figure that they can both agree on.


If you do not receive a fair settlement offer, your next course of action is to file a lawsuit and demand compensation through the courts. A lawsuit is initiated by filing a complaint that sets out the case and your right to compensation. The defendant is served with the complaint and summons, which informs them of the pending legal action against them and states the deadline for them to respond to the complaint to avoid a default judgment against them.


Discovery is the formal process of exchanging information while a case is pending. Your lawyer may ask the defendant to provide documents and other evidence they plan to present at trial. Your lawyer may also ask the defendant to answer certain questions under oath. 

The defendant’s lawyer may also request information from you, such as medical records.


If the case is not resolved at this point, the parties will proceed with a trial. Each party has an opportunity to give an opening statement, present their side of the case, and give a closing statement. They also cross-examine the other side’s witnesses. 

Contact Our Firm for Help with Your Claim

If you were injured in a car accident, slip and fall, or other personal injury incident, Entrekin Law Firm can help. Contact us for a free case review.