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Glendale Car Accident Attorney
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Glendale Car Accident Attorney

A car accident can result in serious injury, leading to significant medical costs, and even impact your ability to work and support your family. If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident in the Glendale, Arizona area, you do not have to deal with the aftermath alone. The car accident attorneys at The Entrekin Law Firm can help. To learn more about your legal options for your car accident claim, call or file out a contact form as soon as you are able.

At The Entrekin Law Firm:

  • We are dedicated to helping clients in Arizona recover from their injuries.
  • Our Glendale personal injury attorneys understand how the opposition approaches car accident cases and how to build a strong claim on your clients’ behalf.
  • We handle all cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning we never charge a fee unless we win.

Common Causes of Car Accidents You Can Generally Recover Damages On

When a driver is breaking the rules of the road and they cause an accident, or if they are doing something that violates their duty to drive safely and responsibly, they will be liable for the damages caused in the accident.

Common actions that drivers engage in and cause accidents they will be liable for include:

  • Drunk driving
  • Drowsy or fatigued driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Aggressive driving

When drivers break the rules of the road, they are liable for the damages that result from accidents that they cause. Generally, you will then seek out compensation for your damages from the insurance company of the driver that caused the accident. The insurance company generates a profit by denying as many claims as possible, and by paying as little as they can on those claims that are not denied.

Working with a local Glendale car accident lawyer on your claim helps to ensure that the insurance company does not take advantage of you. One of the key benefits of working with a lawyer is that they collect evidence to support your case and accurately and completely measure your damages. One of the most common causes of car accidents today is distracted driving, including texting and driving which is illegal under Arizona Law. Proving that the other driver was texting requires evidence, which your local Glendale car accident attorney will collect on your behalf.

Your Glendale Car Accident Lawyer Collects the Evidence You Need to Win Your Case

Determining what the other driver was doing in the moments before they hit you can be difficult if not impossible to do on your own. You were busy driving your own vehicle safely and responsibly, and cannot be expected to be able to look into the cabin of the vehicle that hit you to see what they were doing in the moments leading up to the accident.

How do you prove what the other driver was doing before they hit you so that you can collect compensation? By collecting evidence. Your local Glendale car accident lawyer will use legal instruments like requests for production, depositions, and interrogatories to gather information to determine exactly what the other drivers involved in your accident were doing in the moments leading up to when they hit you. This evidence can include cell phone records, police reports, eyewitness accounts, dash cam or surveillance footage, tire skid marks, vehicle maintenance records and more.

Connect with a Glendale Car Accident Lawyer

The sooner you have a local car and truck accident lawyer in Glendale on your case from The Entrekin Law Firm, the sooner you can focus on recovery. Our attorneys will handle the legal process, all interactions with insurers, and work tirelessly to secure the best possible outcome.

Call today for a free, no-obligation consultation with an experienced attorney today.

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